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Артикул: Fine / Medium Grade
Цена: 2.6 €/kg
Контакты поставщика:
Контактное лицо: Igor, Denis
+38670 161576, +386(40) 628362
Адрес: Ljubljana, Zemljemerska str. 12,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (EU). Slovenia (EU)
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Описание товара:

Our company offers for sale the dessicated coconut of two fractions "Fine" and "Medium".

These coconut chips are dried and grinded pulp (copra) of coconut palm. It contains high-fats, vitamins and mineral supplements; it has a delicate and flavor taste of coconut.

It fits perfectly for confectionery and baking industries as filling, dressing (covering) for pastries, rich and for ice cream production.

Coconut chips from CROK d.o.o. include the following agents:

  • - fats: 58 - 65%;
  • - carbohydrates: 14%;
  • - proteins: 13%;
  • - mineral supplements: 7%.

Color – white

Country of origin–Indonesia

Packed into a comfort for consumers bags per 25 kg net weight.

Price without VAT.


  1. Physical

    1. - Color : Natural White

    2. - Free of Rancidity

    3. - Free from musty & objectionable odor

    4. - Flavor: Mild and Sweet with no added artificial flavors

    5. - Not more than 5 dark specs per 100 gms

  2. Chemical

    1. - Fat Content : 65 + - 3 %

    2. - Free Fatty Acid (FFA) 0.3 % max.

    3. - Moisture Content: 3 % max.

    4. - Residual SO2 50 ppm max

    5. - PH : 6.1 - 6.7

  3. Microbiological

    1. - Plate Count : 5000 col / gram max.

    2. - Yeast Count : 50 col / gram max.

    3. - Enterobacteriaceae : 100 col / gram max.

    4. - Moulds count : 50 col / gram max.

    5. - E.coli : Negative (-ve)

    6. - Salmonella : Negative (-ve)

Категория в каталоге Macro.ua: ТоварыПродукты, напитки, табакЧай, кофе, какао
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